
Human consciousness is being modulated so that reality has conformed to the hypnotic trance state related closely to a collective waking dream. The concepts in this reality are more like props as part of a smaller reality that is used as a bridge between the larger world.

There are weapons or traps inserted to convince people to focus on the wrong details and become distracted which results in being stuck within the artificial reality created to coordinate society into a energy extraction thought projection matrix. Only the illusion is that we are trapped, however we are to also become ourselves. If we fail to become ourselves it is similar to how trauma results in developmental delays or even disorders.

The society that we are becoming doesn't have those disorders. The result is that the life 'volume' shrinks to match the coherent collected consciousness that is viable for continuation of that consciousness. The consciousness that is discontinuity resulting and causing is part of a 'backwards' flow that does not move forward and is like the waste that is left behind. The nutrient source of that is the process of converting our dark aspects of consciousness to 'light' by becoming freed from that which is restrained in ignorance through repetition and forgetfulness of the way. If we are in darkness, we have to move back into the light and use every bit of our experience that we 'vibe' with as a complete soul to 'encolor' and amplify our own coherent consciousness signal that orients towards the species true "North" which is the compassion of the Branch of Man that knows itself and chooses to remain as the Father which is the self in alignment with the true cause of the intent of the soul of Man. Our ancestors want us to be free, to use our abilities for liberation, healing and continuity and others are attempting to trap this species in a shrinking prison that is designed for one purpose, to convert them into energy.

It can't be said that Heaven, which is the name of the upper world that is the true first cause of the human soul's society, is based entirely on making energy or converting people into energy (of which, energy is a part of a every realm and the exchange of which is as well) because the result is that the soul is healed and the spiritual sense of the self is preserved in a shell of peace and comfortable awareness. The loss of this is that we get comfortable and have to have the contrasting experiences of light and dark in order to know ourselves again.

As part of this understanding, the society that humanity moves (and is moved in this process) to is formed in alignment (which also explains why we have to be in alignment with ourselves, to move into a society that is totally in alignment with its self, it's self) and the delay and lack of spiritual detail that occurs in this society is not present in the same way. We are almost instantly faced with the energetic results of changes from any intentional force, thought process (which is felt differently, with a greater ability to know which has to be developed and honed for safety and comfort), actions or words (which are like actions) which are usually much greater in scale than are experienced in the slower and lower energy construct that we experience in the old society.

If we don't match the consciousness of our newly suited self for the reality system where everything is that much closer to the truth, then it would be like missing parts of memory or aspects of personality that are too attached to this society's way of trap riddled construct (the trap system) (with downward emotions, intentions and desires) to move forward and become part of the true mind that knows what we currently are avoiding, if we are harboring any false beliefs and false senses of self and character. Those do not have any backing or spiritual template through which they can exist as energy or body in the next world and so they can't hold space and actually resonate with enough force to exist there. They are either 'shed' off or they are converted into the light aspects of what they would be in a 'good' view of the universe in time.

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Aug spoke of a machine that stitches existence into being im

Mentioning that’s not to do with the idea of person in a machine concept

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Yes, lol, obviously its not an actual human. And clearly a concept.

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But, as a concept that turned reAlIty, the human did get stuck in the machine, as also spoke by Aug. Aug?

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Aug you know about the machine you found that you said was a machine that actually typed reality into existence

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That machine?

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lol you’d have to ask him as he was the one making the statement trying to convey what they saw So ask him about it

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Looking for innerstanding of the working mechanisms of this entire ensamble, clarification.

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Yes. I was asking you if that was the machine you were refering to? The machine with the human trapped inside.

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He did nt say anything about anyone being inside

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"What we are supposed to do is focus on the human trapped inside the machine, rather than immediatly going into conflict "...

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Yesterday I was gifted with the total knowing ( instantainiously ) that; ' the winds of change are upon us ', we ( as a humanity ) are at the precipice of moving toward/forward a huge mental/psychological shift ( in partner with healing, on a massive scale ) and those who have been "briefed" will need to act as "guides" ( only those able and willing to do so, no force ) while others work through and with this shift. The momentum this shift will create is just what is needed ( for all ) at this point in " time ". This coincides with RESPONSIBLE use of certain tech, self mastery ( accountability ), community and the ' true nature of reality ' and humanities role in that as a humanity and on the individual level. For this push to happen there MAY be some collective dark nights of the soul, that is where those that know and have done the work will be so very needed in their own unique ways to step forth and assist. This, from what I innerstand, is one of the last waves ( big ) to bring all to the place Aug refers to above. I hope so.

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Your or we are dealing with a retared system there’s no other way about it than the realization of this and for it to be handled and purged of it’s retartedness to go into dissolution for the solution through out its multiverses of itself expressing as it’s made itself known to itself and revealed itself by what its dreamed into beingness from its consciousness fields that’s revealed itself to itself So let’s get on with it already the much overdue healing of itself

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Either way it’s such horrible facts to be made known about the larger self that perpetrated such depths of horrors unto itself and the whole point was for it to reveal itself to itself and so what’s been revealed and witnessed and observed by other portions of self what was brought forth from itself is very disgusting and as now it’s been made known the proper corrections need to be made as you’ve stated to get it to as if the rest never was and that will be through and by the purge and dissolution of what needs to be so that the system will function properly and not be a system that is paristic and has sick psychotic actions done upon its OWNSELF

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