It's real. There are multiple layers to this.
Deities choose people to guide. Demons misguide people. And the Creator created them all. This is fundamental to understand. Otherwise, whatever I say won't make any sense to you.
Exactly. Plus, there is a 'supersoul'. Essentially, we are the post cataclysm and spiritual war fallout society after the collapse of the previous human civilization.
A super intelligence recreated the human race by manifesting or finding a 'safe zone' in time and space and providing a time and place through which we can have the opportunity to grow back to our advanced state.
This was impossible without doing this as it was millions of years of complete advanced soul warfare and enslavement on either side of the 'wall.'
We have one chance to regain our power and after that its an endless sea of non human intelligence, continuous spiritual and genetic warfare and exposure to energies of debauchery and mutagenic toxicity that would render any kind of opportunity absolutely improbable (just leaving out 'impossible for hope').
Everything that has happened throughout this course of 'his story' is a set plan to move humanity up in the spiritual power levels so that we are not trapped within 'the gravity well.'
There are "Dark Magicians" (genetic engineers and quantum linguistic syntax manipulators of consciousness and time) that mutated the majority of humanity into a crude experiment that contains a dead end (or devolution behavior 'sync' consciousness trap where they are locked out of the true power of the true human race) in which the resulting species are numerous and each spiraled into a incongruent branch of genetic descent that no longer relates to or carries the core signature of the progenitors of the soul of man.
It is part of the worst possible scenario that has been hidden from the population for thousands of years but also continued and propped up by those either attempting to find a way to protect humanity for as long as possible, or continue the experiment which is nothing more than a game they are playing to see who can play 'god' by becoming the devil over humanity.
Those participating in this use the subjugation of innocent life, the rape and abuse of children, and the genetic manipulation and mutation of the human genome in order to create a submissive slave race of low cognitive capacity to use as a 'pet' for their future projects.
It is no different than lab rats in a lab, except they destroy those lab rats for the most part because the experimental bloodlines do not go back into the population of rats that are to be experimented on next.
You could say the lab rats are treated with infinitely more compassion as they are tortured and then ended.
This is, again, part of the dark truths that are so heavily guarded in underground bases and around the world's institutions, but commonly given in pieces to those who are sought after to become the next who will experiment on humanity.